Energy Wizard Controller Setup - General - Time Periods

Start the Controller Setup program, click on the main "General" tab and then on the minor "Time Periods" tab.

CS-Gen-Time.gif (9329 bytes)

The Controller has 3 different Time zones within each Demand Period.

  1. No Action time - This is the very first time zone in the Demand Period during which loads are not shed or unshed unless they are Once-Shed-Stay-Shed loads which are all unshed. The Once-Shed-Stay-Shed loads must be unshed during this time as it is the only time in which they can be released. All of the other loads are held in their existing states so as to prevent cycling of the control and to give the Controller some time to settle into the new Demand Period. The No Action time would normally be set to about 5 minutes.
  2. Passive Shed time - This is the second time zone in the Demand Period. During this time loads may be unshed and only loads which are not running may be shed which is effectively preventing them from starting. So during the Passive Shed time the Controller will not shed any loads that are running.
  3. Active Shed time - This is the last time zone in the Demand Period during which loads are shed and unshed.

The "Time Period" tab has the following settings:

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