Energy Wizard Controller - Overview
The Energy Wizard Controller is an energy shedding package designed to control the
total site's power consumption.
There are 2 criteria that the Controller controls to:
- Maximum Demand - The Maximum Demand value is the Target energy usage
that should not be exceeded in any one period. The Maximum Demand is often expressed in
units of kW or kVA but is in fact derived from the energy consumption for any one period
which are in units of kW.Hrs or kVA.Hrs.
- Control Period - This a time of high demand for the power suppliers.
Some power contracts include special penalty rates during a Control Period in exchange for
lower rates outside Control Periods. A Control Period may be signalled by a ripple relay
or it may be by a predetermined time schedule. During a Control Period the Controller will
shed as much as possible irrespective of the site loading.
When running the Energy Wizard Controller:
- Displays Load Priority Information
- Displays Load Detail
- Enables Manual Overide for each load.
- Displays the total number of loads shed
- Displays the Target for the current period in kW.Hrs
- Displays the Projected Energy which is the projected kW.Hrs that will have been consumed
by the end of the period.
- Displays the Used Energy. This is the kW.Hrs that has been consummed so far in this
- Also the number in brackets besides the Target is the amount of loading that can be
added or removed so as to meet the target by the end of the period.
Associated Files:
The following files are associated with the Energy Wizard Controller program.
- Enwizcon.exe - Controller run time program
- ewconset.exe - Controller Setup program.
- *.set - Controller Setup file
- ewconnet.exe - Controller Network Editor program
- ewconnet.set - Controller Network Editor setup file
- ewtarget.exe - Controller Target Editor program
- ewtarget.set - Controller Target Editor setup file
- VB6 Support files located in the windows system directory.
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