Station Setup
2300 Connect via USB485

The USB485 is a non isolated USB to 485 converter.

USB 485 Connections (See 2300-XX Manual for complete wiring diagram)

Colour MicroScan 2100-XX Terminal Number 2300-XX Terminal Number
Yellow 70 70
Blue 71 71
Green 74 n/C

NOTE: A Terminating Resistor of 1k MUST always be used with USB 485 and 2300-XX stations (put at the end station of a dataloop).

The USB 485 drivers are included with the Version 5 Install. When the driver is installed, windows will assign the USB 485 a COM port which the MicroScan then uses to communicate with the USB 485. Once the driver has been installed, the Add Station Wizard of Version 5 will be able to find the port and search for attached 2300-XX stations.

Install Driver Details

1. Connect the USB 485 to the computer AFTER installing Version 5.

Click No, not this time, click Next.

Click Next

Status Screen shown

Operation  complete, click Finish.

Checking the COM port available for use:

1. Start Control Panel.
2. Double click on System Icon.
3. Click on Hardware Tab.
4. Click on Device Manager button.

Open the "Ports" list and USB Serial Port (COMX) will be shown.

Changing the Port used by USB 485

1. Right click on "USB Serial Port (COMX)" and click Properties

Click the Port Settings Tab.

Click the Advanced.. button

Select the port required and click OK, Click OK.
Close Device Manager and Open Device Manager again, the new port will be shown.