Recorder User Help
Custom Report Contents Add/Edit

This dialog box is used when adding, inserting or editing a report entry.

To select the Line for the current entry, make a selection from the Line Combo box. Lines are identified by the Page "P" and Line number "L" and by the line's name.

As a line is chosen, the description field will be filled in by the lines name, this description may be edited and filled in with any required text.

The Data type defines what data from the line is included in this report entry. One of the following selections can be made.

Data Type


Current Reading

Analogue Line = value of line, Digital Line = Healthy/Faulty

Daily Total


Grand Total


Daily Min Value


Daily Max Value


Grand Min Value


Grand Max Value


Daily Min Time

fixed data format = hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yyyy

Daily Max Time

fixed data format = hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yyyy

Grand Min Time

fixed data format = hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yyyy

Grand Max Time

fixed data format = hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yyyy

Alarm State


Daily Alarm Count


Daily Alarm Duration


Grand Alarm Count


Grand Alarm Duration


Line Average Value


24 Hour Average Value


Batch Average Value


 The Decimal Point Format determines how the value will be saved in the report.

Decimal Point Format



No decimal points


One decimal point


Two decimal points


Three decimal points


Four decimal points


Five decimal points


Scientific Format



 Click OK to save the data and Cancel to abandon changes.