How to use netcpy32 to backup Version 5 data to a network location (as was done in Version 4) |
To do a network backup (wthout the network software in use) you can use netcpy32.
You add this program as an accessory, and use the command line to specify the location of the data backup.
Multiple copies of netcpy32 can be used to copy data to different locations (as well as the netcopy used for normal Active File Server Networking).
To backup to s:\network\data, use netcpy32.exe s:\network\data
To add accessories, you use System Programs on the Setup Tools screen, click Accessories, click Add.
Netcpy32 is a win32 application, and while copying data will not hang the computer while doing this (unlike the V4 version of netcopy).
When Netcpy32 is used in this mode, its title becomes "NetCopy 32 Backup Tool".