Wiring 2100-XX stations into a dataloop with IN2000-XX stations

When adding a 2100-XX station to a IN2000-XX dataloop, please follow the terminal numbers in the installation guides and not the RX+, RX- etc labels written on the stations.

When the 2100-XX stations and 2100-IS converter were designed, it was decided to change to terminal numbers all to 70-73 so that data loop wiring was simpler.
However this meant that the RX and TX labeling was not the same as the previous IN2000-XX models, the 2100-XX installation guides provide terminal number connection information that shows the correct connections.


Old Terminal Number Connects To
20 71
21 70
22 73
23 72


Old Terminal Number Connects To
35 71
36 70
37 73
38 72


Old Terminal Number Connects To
25 71
26 70
27 73
28 72


Old Terminal Number Connects To
9 71
10 70
11 73
12 72