Adding a new station to MicroScan sample steps

Step 1: Comms linking

Determine the correct coms linking. If your existing data loop is 4 wire, it will be RS422, link the new station accordingly (links in L2/L1 positions). If your existing data loop is 2 wire, it will be RS485, link the new station accordingly (links in L3/L4 positions).

Step 2: Add Station

Noting the serial number written on the lid of the station, use the Add Station Wizard on Setup Tools to add the new station.
The new station is factory set at station 1. This wizard will assign a new station number to the station. If any stations are currently set to station 1, comms conflicts may occur until the new station has been assigned a new station number.

Step 3: Configure Pages and Lines

Use Configure Pages and Lines on Setup Tools to assign lines to the new station.

Step 4: Checking station Operation

Check the COMS status window (at bottom of navigation tree) it will show Station X Good as it works around each station.
Double click the COMS status to view the station status window which shows the current good/bad status for the stations and the number of good and bad counts for each station.

COMS Status Example Display


Station Status Example Display