5.0.3000 Program Updates


Passives on Terminal Server Environment - allows passives to be setup on a server and setup individually per each user.
Passive Clients - allows an active to run additional microscans as passives.
Passive Slow WAN operation  - reduces file activity to decrease network file traffic.
Auto Backup Data & Setups Tool
Common Alarm Relay 320 Relays per system.
Floating Point Store File Format
Auto Print Store file at Rollover
Shimaden Monitor Free Access 

Store Files:

Recorder Store File Error Check
If any store file errors occur, they are saved to temporary memory, and written to the store file at time of next file update - thus no need for recorder store file error display, as most store file write errors are of a transient nature i.e error occurs at time of file write as anti virus scanner or backup program has file opened.
Recorder Store File Rollover
Improvements to reliability/speed of page*.map update when  large number of files in page*.map file.
Store File changes logged to activity files (store *.txt) in setup folder (rollover, rename, creation, store file errors).
At time of rollover, if Page Current Data can't be renamed, don't update the page*.map file.

Batch View - display additional page*.map and file rollover info in Batch View, Select Batch dialog.
History View - display additional page*.map and file rollover info in History View, details dialog.
Manual Delete File from page*.map
Manual Insert File to page*.map
Display activity info to backup and History View, Details and Batch View, Select Batch.

Move Digitals down when printing a batch graph with header
Display Batch display batch run state/time of run in Page Title Bar.


Network Status File improvements:
Keep run status online if active or passive is still running. Record "refresh" message to network status log.csv to indicate active or passive has refreshed its run state in the network status file.
Network View
Add selections for View Connected, Actives, Passives, All.
Display of Network Folder in Setup Tools status bar at bottom.
Passives & actives keep record index of status info file index, so when it is updated just seek to that position instead of having to read the file through again each time.
Save v5 build number to start message in network status log.csv

Passive Network Not run status display:
display Last Known drive mapping for network folder connection (in case passive rebuilt on new machine and does not have drives mapped properly). Display time & date at time that the display was shown.


Dont include files in network setup updates:
network dir.csv, job dir.csv, backupv5.txt, diag.txt, connect.txt, active connect.txt, display.txt

Close Dialogs:
Indicate number of passives currently online when program is being closed.
Active navigation status display -
Add Network Active User Count display to below COMS: status. Double click to view Network Status display.
Remove Peer to Peer selection in Active Setup.

Added extra step in wizard to choose search drives or specify path.
Passives have own session data: this is only updated on a page by page basis on updates when a page is added on the active or the number of lines in a page is changed.
Slow WAN settings:
Slow update on housekeeping functions & data updates.
Use File Time stamps to decide if data should be read or not.
Indicate Slow WAN on navtree "Network Passive Slow WAN". Save "- Slow WAN" to network status log.
New passive activity display to show file updating progress (Data Files, Setup Files, House Keeping).
Passive record delta time messages to diag.txt to indicate when passive busy.
If a mimic is displayed when a active file update occurs- refresh the mimic display on the passive.
If the mimic is enabled when active file update occurs, rebuild font settings on the passive.

Auto Backup Data & Setups

Separate tool for auto backups of data & setups -
Thus no user interfaces hold ups for data backups & setup changes auto backups.
Auto Setup changes pending on program close are stored and completed the next time microscan is started. 

Setup Backup

Include network.net and page.net in backup (note this file IS included in Restore Point Auto Backup & Setup Backup with Include Store Files ON).
Include network status in backup as network status.bak (so that network search does not find network status file and think that the jobname\setup folder is a valid network folder.

Licensing & Modules

DLP-D dongles produced after 31/3/2010 must have PLC code to allow a tag package to run PLC interfaces.
Date is determined from serial number encoding on dongle.

Allow operation of Shimaden Lite (Shimaden Monitor) on Navigation Tree on any microscan (previously had to be Tag package). It is enabled on Create New Job for Tag packages, but for other packages, enable Shimaden Monitor in Setup Tools, System Modules as it is disabled by default.