Using Shimaden Parameter Assistant with Shimaden Lite

Using Parameter Assistant with Shimaden Lite on Serial Port.

Shimaden Lite must be closed, before using Parameter Assistant to talk to controllers on the same serial port.
Parameter Assistant RSTs (FP23) or stops (SR23) the controllers when reading/writing data out of them.

When the Parameter Assistant is finished with a controller the COM mode will be OFF.

To use the Parameter Assistant with 2100-IS, a 2100-IS only must be used, with the H3 link set to TX. Older models of 2100-IS / IN2000-IS etc cannot be used as then do not have the required AUTO TX control.

Parameter Assistant cannot be used at the same time on a IR PORT, with Shimaden Lite on the RS232/485 port.

Settings for using with 8 Bits No Parity (8 N 1)

Comms Settings.

Protocol Settings.

Settings for using with 8 Bits No Parity (7 E 1)

Comms Settings.

Protocol Settings.