Example setup steps for setting up a XPORT on 2100-A16-NET, 2100-NET

Use XPORT Installer software (needs xport installer and microsoft .net 1.1).
A static IP address must be assigned.
The default factory set ip address is, port number 10001
You may need to open a hole at the attached ip address and port number in your firewall.

If this address is free on your network, and your ip address is 192.168.1.XXX, then the XPORT installer does not need to be used.

Start XPORT Installer

Click Start, All Programs, Xport Installer, Xport Installer.

Click Seach to locate XPORTs on the local subnet.

A message may appear showing

Click OK

This shows that the XPORT has an ip address not valid for the local subnet. Click OK. An ip address needs to be assigned.

Option 1:

To Assign IP address, select the XPORT from the list, and click Assign IP.

Enter the new ip address and click Ok.

Waiting for reboot appears...

Then device is programmed as below.

Option 2:

To assign an ip address when the XPORT has already been programmed with an IP address, but has not been located on your subnet.

Click Action, Add Remote Device.

Click OK.

Option 3:

To assign an ip address using the XPORTs MAC address

Click Action, Assign IP Address.

Enter the hardware address (written on the LID of the XPORT in the A16, will always begin with 00-20-4A).
Enter the desired IP address
Click OK.

Checking the Connection.

Use PING in a command prompt to see if the XPORT is working.
ping (enter)

Responds with messages showing unit is OK, or not responding.

Setting up the XPORT using a web browser (after ip address has been set).

Start the Internet Explorer and type the following for the address
http:\\ (hit enter)

If a password dialog appears, click OK.
Examples of settings provided.
These settings are factory set and may not need to be changed.