Upgrade Version 4 to Version 5 on a new PC |
The old computer is installed with Version 4 and has access to a network drive or USB flash drive.
The new computer is to have version 5 installed on it.
DO NOT install Version 5 on the OLD COMPUTER.
Old Computer Steps:
1. Stop MicroScan Version 4.
2. Start Setup Manager (click Start, Programs, MicroScan 2000 Software, Setup Manager).
3. Click Tools Menu, Backup, enter network path (must be short 8.3 name, i.e
z:\network) or flash path f:\backup etc.
Click Include Store Data on, click OK.
Backup will be done to z:\network or f:\backup
New Computer Steps:
1. Install V5 from CD or web download.
1a. If MicroScan DLP-D dongle is supplied attach to USB ports at rear or
2. Start Version 5. On first run dialog, click "Import a V4 Tools Backup", click Ok.
3. Click Browse and browse to z:\network\backup.lst or f:\backup\backup.lst, click OK, then follow through and give a name such as "Site Name".
4. When backup is done may need to swap com port at back of computer.
5. If MicroScan DLP-D Dongle is not supplied:
5a. Click on Register Now button, and create a licence file, click Next, Computer ID is selected, click Next, enter values and save reg.txt. email
distrubutor reg.txt
5b. A lic*.txt will be supplied, load using Register Software Step 2,
Import Licence File.
If email is not available on the computer with Version 5 installed, save the
file reg.txt to a network drive or flash drive and take to a computer that does
have email capability.