Comms Errors to IN2000-AI - Graph Spikes and incorrect totals, average values

After upgrading a site from Version 4, to Version 5 several glitches are seen on graphs and 24 hour ave and totaliser totals are not being updated correctly.

The fault was noise on the comms line, injecting rubbish data into the incoming rx stream that the driver is trying to decode as valid data.

Replace the IN2000-IS converter on site with a 2100-IS to see if that improves noise rejection.

Bad data can be seen in rx.txt after doing a Diagnostic Run (Setup Tools, Tools, Diagnostic Run and then Tools Backup). Intech tech staff will need to inspect this file.

If the IN2000-IS or IN2000-AI has a bad comms power supply bridge this will be shown by a lot of station retries instead of corrupted data in the reply data.

Example of bad rx data in file: (bad data in Bold)

11:07:49,10/1/2008,EX AIJ
11:07:50,10/1/2008,EX AI 12A 0DA 263 174 000 28A0C4 358         �=Bad

11:08:16,10/1/2008,EX AIJ
11:08:17,10/1/2008,EX AI 141 0DA 268 15F 000 28A 0C4`354         `=Bad

11:09:02,10/1/2008,EX AIJ
11:09:02,10/1/2008,EX AI 157 1CF 0A0 28A 0B2 391 1rC 0D8         r=Bad

11:11:33,10/1/2008,EX AIJ
11:11:33,10/1/2008,EX AI 154 1CE 0Aw 278 0B2 391 12A 07         �=Bad