Memory Leak Stops Version 5 from Working Properly (D Link USB Wireless)

The D Link USB Wireless device drivers have a memory leak that leaks windows kernel Non Paged Pool Memory and after a period of time (10 to 15 days) Version 5 stops working properly.


The faulting programs are ANIWZCDdS.exe and WZCSLDR2.exe.

If the D Link usb device is disconnected from the computer, these will leak at approx 4K per minute.


a) Leave USB device connected to computer

b) Stop service ANIWZCDdS.exe

To view leak details, use Task Manager. Click on Processes Tab. Click On View, Select Columns, tick "Paged Pool" and "Non Paged Pool", click OK.
Keep an eye on the Paged Pool and NP Pool columns. Initially the leak may not appear to start for 15 to 30 minutes after computer has been restarted.