MicroScan Diag Info and support files

Checking MicroScan Operation  -

Double click Station Status (Bottom left, under Navigation tree) - Shows station stats, and MicroScan run time at bottom of window, shows how long microscan has been running.

MicroScan V5 Version 5 build. Check on Setup Tools, status bar at bottom on right hand side.

Licence Installed - mode of operation. Check on Setup Tools, status bar at bottom of window.

Networking Setup and Information. Check on Setup Tools, status bar at bottom of window. Double click "Network Status" to see actives and passives online.

Driver Activity. To see a graph of driver message activity, show Driver, click View, Stack Graph. The driver window will show a sawtooth graph as transactions are being processed, and then another load of transactions are loaded.

Support Files Information Provided
diag.txt Start stop, general diag
connect.txt network connection messages
rx.txt comms errors, rx data and messages
station debug.txt 2100-XX station programming messages
network status log.csv network active and passive messages
version.txt V5 Version info
relay.txt Auto Relay, alarm update log
debug.txt Driver Stack counts info
Windows System Log (sysevent.evt, appevent.evt) Computer Information, view with Windows Event Viewer
Included in Tools Backup.
Dr Watson Log (drwtsn32.log) Application Faults. View with text editor
Included in Tools Backup.
plc.txt Copy of plc.ini from install folder
shim.txt Copy of shim.ini from install folder
install dir.csv List of files, sizes and dates in install folder
job dir.csv List of files and folders from install folder\jobname (should normally be files from backup,data,setup,temp folders).
jobname.txt jobname
microscan.txt copy of microscan.ini from install folder
network diag.txt (network version only) tick information showing actives and passives updating network status file
network status Licence management, setup information file for actives and passives (added to backup build 2440).
win.ini Private copy of win.ini for job settings in installfolder\jobname\setup
winbak.txt copy of windows win.ini from windows folder
dlpd.txt DLP-D Dongle licence information
lic.txt Sentinel LM licence information (copy of lservrc from installfolder)
reg.txt Create Registration information (from Register Software) - may not be there.
backuplog.txt Not Included in BACKUP - in install folder, lists files added to zip files along with error codes if any. If no error, files will all show filename=0
dpinst.log Windows log of usb install drivers - for usb DLP-D to see if driver installed
display.txt List of V5 screens viewed by user (V5 id code, followed by name of screen)

Diag.txt detailed info

The info provided in this file is

On Startup

System Start - build number - jobname - tracks changes in build number.
Startup path info for mscanv5.exe
Network drive assignments
Accessories started when v5 starts
LM Version (LM Standard, LM DLPD) and module info
Computer and user name
Trial Licence Found
Trial Licence In Use
Full Licence Found


Station stats (done at backup time, and at midnight each day)
Delta time messages (indicate V5, computer busy)
Store File Write error messages
USB Device Change Information (Device Change 0007 on insert, remove USB device).
Network Commands processed
Comm Error XXXX (see rx.txt)
Bad Network Path, Code XXXX (windows error codes)
Connect GetFileTime=XXXX (windows error codes)
File Open Failed,Name,Code XXXX (windows error codes)
path\data\pageX.map Read Error XXXX (windows error codes)
CreateFileError Page X, filename, XXXX (windows error codes)
Store File Write Error displayed
Store File Write Error Manually Closed
Store File Write Error Closed
MicroScan Interface Port Open OK
Network Records Locked
Many Network Records Locked
Many Network Records Locked 64
Network Files Close & Open
Auto Backup Start
Auto Backup Complete

On Close

System Stop - jobname


Network connection messages, and data file update messages. The last known good network mapping that the microscan is using is listed in this file (in case mapping lost or IT dept changes it)

Data File Updated
Data File Not Updated
Network Monitor Started
Network Monitor Closed
Current Network Path in use (z:\=etc)
Valid Network Path
Network error drive,code,message. eg (z:\,53,The network path was not found)
Data File Close & Restart


rx driver messages (port open etc) and rx data if Diagnostic run or Save rx data ON.

Interface Online
Interface Config
Interface Offline
Discarded Data:(string of bad rx data)
Port Reset on Discarded Data
Interface Port & Open
WM_USER+9004 messages (Port Open checks)
Port Reset
IEEE 7FFFFFFF Number, Ignored
Bad Reply Message
Comm Error 0002    Computer Busy
Comm Error 0010    Comms Noise (Break in signal)
Comm Error 0018    Comms Noise (Break and Framing)
Comm Error 0008    Comms Noise (Framing)
Comm Error 0100    Comm TX Full (port locked)
Station X (stationtype) Retry
Station X (stationtype) Time Out

station debug.txt

2100-XX station programming messages done through station programming dialog boxes.

network status log.csv

Network Active & Passive, Starts and stops, Licence Information

Active Started (PXXX)
Passive Started
Passive Lic Gained
Passive Lic Declined
Passive Lic Freed
Update Passive Setup Data
Update Active Setup Data
Passive Stopped
Active Stopped
Network Restart Active
Active Idle
Passive Idle
Network Combo Started (PXXX)
Create Composite Recorder Setup Start
Create Composite Recorder Setup Complete
Page XX - PageName Online
Page XX - PageName Offline
Network Combo Stopped
Network Restart Combo


MicroScan V5 version info, and Windows Version Info.
Build=5.0.2440 (as on machine)
date=date of build
user=windows logon user name
version=5.0 (2195) win2000
version=5.1 (2600) winxp
version=6.0 (6000) vista


Saved every time an alarm occurs and relay write is done and on startup and on auto relay update.
Will normally occur in groups at relay update time, or a single update at the time that an alarm has occurred.
Relay X OK
Relay X Error
Alarm Relay Status Dialog Visible
Alarm Relay Status Dialog Closed


Saved once per minute to indicate driver working and stats from last minutes activity.
Port COMX,bad=Port ID


data in ini file under [setup]

install=0        end user mode
install=1        agent mode
install=2        demo mode