Using a 2100-NET connection to Omron C Series PLC


Ethernet ---- 2100-NET --- RS232 Serial - LNK201 Omron C200.

2100-NET setup

static IP address

Comms - set via web browser interface at ip address


RS232 connection

S1-6 ON,
S1 All others OFF
H2 linking Reverse settings - link 1-3 and 2-4

RS232 cable

PLC LK201 (F)

(M)DB25----------+--DB9(F) ---- (M)9 pin gender changer(M) ---- (F)A16 9 Pin RS232 plug - A16 RS232 cable ------2100-NET RS232.
                              +--DB25(F)  n/c

9 pin gender changer - db9 male to db9 male

DB 25 to DB9 & DB25 cable

DB25 ( connect to PLC) DB9 (connect to 2100-NET via gray moulded plug).
2 (out) 3
3 (int) 2
7 5

This is the standard 25 to 9 RS232 cable supplied with older 2100-IS units.
DB9 M-M from dick smith.
A16 RS232 moulded plug and gray cable supplied with A16-232.