MicroScan not Showing History data on line graph |
If the MicroScan is not showing line traces on the line graph, check the following
1. Check that the correct time and date stamps are showing on the bottom left
and right of the graph.
If the correct times are shown, it means the MicroScan is saving store data
2. Check the Line Details dialog box to make sure the lines have not been turned off.
3. Use the Multi Track and move the mouse horizontally across the graph are valid values shown correct for the range of graph to be displayed (i.e a -10 value will not show on a 0-50 graph display).
4. The graph lines wont be drawn properly if the lines have been setup with too many decimal points for the value to be stored (setup in each Lines, Display category Decimal Point setting).
5. Check that no Store File Write error dialog boxes have been displayed that indicates that MicroScan is having trouble writing the files.