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Demo Shimaden Controllers

This demo shows how to connect a SR90 controller to MicroScan.

This demo shows the connection to SR93, the other Shimaden Controllers will be setup in a similar way, see Shimaden Controllers Setup for MicroScan Use for each controllers settings.

Equipment needed

SR93 Power and Comms (+,- and SG) connected
Controller Settings:
Addr  1
data   8n1
Scha  stx
bcc    1
bps    9600
dely   40
Converter RS485 converter (2100-IS linked for 485 S2 1,2,3,4 ON) (70 to -, 71 to + 74 to SG)
or USB 485 (Yellow -, Blue +, Green SG)
Computer Connect to COM1, to change port use MicroScan Interface link.

Summary of Steps

Select Tag mode Using Select Module Wizard

Click Select Module Wizard

Click Next

Click Next

Select Tag System, click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Add Controller using Add Station Wizard

Click Add New Station

Click Next

Click Add a Shimaden Controller, click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Finish

Configure Lines to connect to Controller

Click Configure Pages and Lines.

Double click on the SR90, to show all its connection points as shown above.

Click a point and drag over to a free line to create a line.

Enter a label and click OK.
Repeat for other settings required.

Click Close, Save.

Add  Controller to Shimaden Home

Click Shimaden Home on the Navigation Tree

Method 1: - add manually

Click Add Shimaden Controller

Select the Controller from the Predefined list (i.e one added previously using Add New Station), click OK.
The controller will be listed under Shimaden Home.

Add Controller to Shimaden using Shimaden Wizard

Click Start Shimaden Wizard

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Start

Progress Window

Operation complete, click Next

Click Finish

Example Shimaden SR90 display

Clink the COM Mode button to put the controller into COM mode, you will then be able to write SV etc settings to controller.
Click the COM Mode button to put controller to LOC mode and set back to front panel operation.