Mimic Setup
Utility Button Setup - Screen Switch

This utility function allows buttons to perform a screen switch operation to another screen, commonly used in Directory screens or Next and Prev buttons.

Parameter Settings

Example Settings for Param 1, Screen Number

Format Range of values Example
X = screen number - 1 0 to 99 0 switch to Mimic 1
1 switch to Mimic 2
V4 compatible mode.
Next N/A Next switches to next mimic screen
Back N/A Back switches to prev mimic screen
Tag Alarm Status N/A Tag Alarm Status
Recorder Alarm Status N/A Recorder Alarm Status
"Recorder Page Name" Recorder Page Name 1 - 100 as in Page Setup Name and Scales Name. The name must be enclosed in quotation marks. "Recorder Page Name" - switches to that page
"CoolStore South" - searches for Recorder Name and switches to that page
Recorder Page X 1 to 100 Recorder Page 1 switches to Recorder Page 1
Recorder Page 2 switches to Recorder Page 2
"Mimic Page Name" Mimic Page Name 1-100 as in Mimic Title. The name must be enclosed in quotation marks. "Mimic Page Name" - switches to that page
"ControlPanel" - searches for Mimic Name and switches to that page
Mimic Page X 1 to 100 Mimic Page 1 switches to Mimic Page 1
Mimic Page 2 switches to Mimic Page 2
Shimaden Page X 1 to 100 Shimaden Page 1 switches to Shimaden Page 1
Shimaden Page 2 switches to Shimaden Page 2
Recorder Home N/A Switches to Recorder Home
Mimic Home N/A Switches to Mimic Home
Shimaden Home N/A Switches to Shimaden Home
Tag Data Base N/A Switches to Tag Data Base
Current Alarms N/A Switches to Alarm Status
Data Summary N/A Switches to Data Summary
Alarm Summary N/A Switches to Alarm Summary
Operating Log N/A Switches to Operating Log
Station Log N/A Switches to Station Log
Audit Log N/A Switches to Audit Log
Event Log N/A Switches to Event Log
Note Log N/A Switches to Note Log
Calibration Log N/A Switches to Calibration Log
Access Log N/A Switches to Access Log
System Log N/A Switches to System Log
Batch Log N/A Switches to Batch Log
Network Log N/A Switches to Network Log
History File N/A Switches to History File
Setup Tools N/A Switches to Setup Tools
Alarm Log N/A Switches to Alarm Log

Action when button pressed

The Mimic switches to the screen entered as determined by Param 1.


1. Search order on Recorder Page Name and Mimic Page Name: Recorder Page Names searched first.
2. Recorder Page Name and Mimic Page Name must be enclosed in quotation marks.
3. None of the items are case sensitive.