Recorder User Help |
Auto Alarm Cancel |
The Auto Alarm Cancel window is an information screen that appears to notify the user that alarms have been automatically cleared by a reset on hour event.
This is to provide notification of the alarms, as an auto dialer may have been rung, and the user has come into site to clear the alarm, but it is no longer shown in the Alarm Status window because it has been cleared by a reset on hour event.
When a line is auto reset it is listed. Thus if the alarm goes into alarm and
is auto reset several times, it will be listed several times as shown above.
Up to 1000 reset events will be recorded. The contents of this window are lost
when the window is closed.
In the example above the auto reset time is five minutes.
It is possible to have the Auto Alarm Cancel and Global Notify windows displayed at the same time, as the Recorder is notifying the user of previous alarms that have been Auto Cancelled, and any new global notify alarms that have occurred.