Setup MicroScan
Line Setup: Digital Display Detail

This window gives summary information on a digital lines settings.

You can make changes to the settings and then visit this dialog, to confirm the settings will give the result you need.

Digital Input on 2100-A16: Normal Input

The Examples shows the following.

DI Input LED Shows the state of the LED on the station
Switch Shows the position of the switch in the graphic
Open = Switch Open
Closed = Switch Closed 
Text Shows the text shown on the data screen
Shows either Healthy or Faulty or the user defined text
Line Shows the size of the line on the line graph
Thin = Thin line drawn
Thick = Thick Line drawn
Alarm Shows if the alarm is active
Yes = the value is an alarm condition
No = the value is not an alarm condition
Link Alarms Shows if the alarms on the lines using this line as a link alarm will be monitored.
Active = The alarms will be monitored
Not Active = The alarms will not be monitored (Will show as Yellow on Data Screen).

Digital Input on 2100-A16: Inverted Input

Psuedo Digital Input on 2100-A16: Normal Input