Setup MicroScan
Page Setup: Auto Graph - Graph Settings

Graph Settings


To Enable the graph to print, click "Enable Print" on.

To select the size of the graph to be printed, choose a size from the "Graph Size" combo box. Valid selections are 2 Hour, 4 Hour, 8 Hour, 12 Hour and 24 Hour.

To enter the time of the printout, enter a time into the Time (HH:MM) field. The time is a 24 hour clock, and ranges from 00:00 to 23:59.

Include Lines

To select the lines to be included in the graph, select the lines from the lines in the "Include Lines" group box.


To select the days that the graph will be printed, click "All Week" for all days or choose the days required from the list in WeekDays.

Scale Mode Selection

For Single Scale Graphs:

For Dual Scale Graphs:

Press OK to accept the changes or press Cancel to abandon them.