Setup MicroScan
Setup Passwords and Users: Access Settings

You use Access Settings to control Options when Single User Access is used.

The following dialog is displayed:

Settings Available:

Setting Meaning Default
Access Timeout If set, controls the amount of time to wait before cancelling Recorder Access. Activated only if Full System is ON. 15 Min
Setup Access Timeout If set, controls the amount of time to wait before canceling Setup Access. Activated only if Full System is ON. 15 Min
Cancel Alarms = Free Access If checked, No access code is required to Cancel Alarms. Off
Add Notes = Free Access If checked, No access code is required to Add Notes to Log Home Notes. Off
Data File Backup = Free Access If checked, No access code is required to backup data files. Off
Batch Start/Stop = Free Access If checked, No access code is required to start and stop batches on batch dialog. Off
Shimaden Controller Tool Bar = Free Access If checked, No access code is required to use controller buttons on Shimaden controller toolbars. Off
Close Program = Free Access If checked, No access code is required to close microscan when  FULLSYSTEM Protection is used (i.e Full System is then used to protect Setups, but closing program does not require password). Off
Access Levels Mimic Access Levels
1,2,3 Accumulate: Entering Level password auto enters password levels below i.e Level3 auto sets Level 1,2,3
1,2,3 Separate: Each access level is independent. i.e enter Level 3 and only Level3 is set.
1,2,3 Accumulate
Display Status After Access Gained Amount of time to display status window when access is entered. 2.5 secs