MicroScan Tool Box - Associated Files

MScanTB.exe MicroScan Tool Box Main Program File
MScanTB.log MicroScan Tool Box Log file for program - Logs Start/Stop and Password On/Off.
MscanTB.chm MicroScan Tool Box Help File - Microsoft Windows HTML Help - requires Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4 or later.
MsTbSet.exe MicroScan Tool Box Setup program.
MsTbSet.log MicroScan Tool Box Setup Log file for program - Logs Start/Stop and Password On/Off.
MsTbYYMM.mdb MicroScan Tool Box monthly Audit files. These are Microsoft Access 7 Data Base files which are both encrypted and password protected.
MScanTB.mdb MicroScan Tool Box Setup File - this is a Microsoft Access 7 Data Base. It is both encrypted and password protected.


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