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2000-AI - Analogue Input Remote Station - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-A16.

2000-AO - Analogue Output Remote Station - Discontinued

2000-DI - Digital Input Remote Station - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-D.

2000-DO - Digital Output Remote Station - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-D.

2000-IS - RS232 to 422\485 Converter - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-IS.

EXPO-3 - 16 Channel Programmable Multiplexer - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-M.

2100-A16-ME - 16 Channel Data Logger - Discontinued
The 2100-ME Memory Expansion Card was designed to allow the 2100-A16 to stand alone, retaining the data collected for intermittent download. Data is held is permanent memory. 32,000 samples can be stored, using a selectable sampling rate.
Replaced by the 2400-A16-SD

2100-A4 - Analogue Input Remote Station - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-A16.
The universal inputs and outputs gave this station a lot of flexibility. I/O include 4 analogue inputs, 4 digital inputs, 4 relay outputs plus optional 2 analogue outputs.
Field programmable inputs included thermocouples, RTD Pt100, mA, mV & V, thermister.

2100-AO - Analogue Output Multiplexer for PLC; and Remote Station - Discontinued
This station provided economical analogue output expansion for PLC’s plus was also designed for use as a Remote Station.

2100-R - 16 Channel Relay Output Expander - Discontinued
Replaced by 2100-R2.

2100-RL2 - Digital Interface Unit - Discontinued
Used to boost the output capacity of the 2100-A16 to 250 volts.

IN-ICM - Isolating Clock Module - Discontinued
Isolating Clock Module for 2100-M & 2100-A16 Multiplexers.

2400-M-R - Remote Station / Intelligent Multiplexer / Remote I/O - Discontinued
The 2400-M-R can multiplex up to 16 RTD Non-Isolated Pt100/Pt1000, into one output, selectable by a PLC or a Data Logging System. It uses solid state switches, making it extremely reliable and durable. The PLC only requires two digital outputs and one analogue input to select and receive data from the 2400-M-R.
OLD Comms Converters

2100-4S - RS422 to RS485 Comms Converter - Discontinued
The 2100-4S was used for connecting equipment with RS485 COMMS (e.g. Shimaden controllers), to an existing RS422 Data highway without the expense of running a seperate RS485 Data Hi-Way around the plant.
The 2400-IS – Isolated Auto-Detecting USB/RS232 to RS485/422/232 Converter supports this functionality.

2100-NS - RS232 to RS485/422 Converter, Non-Isolated - Discontinued
Replaced by the 2400-IS – Isolating Auto-Detecting USB/RS232 to RS485/422/232 Converter.
The 2100-NS was a compact interface Module that converts RS232 from a computer to RS485 or RS422, for communication to a field data logging system.

USB485 - USB to RS485 Converter, Non-Isolated - Discontinued
Replaced by the 2400-IS – Isolating Auto-Detecting USB/RS232 to RS485/422/232 Converter.
Please note that the USB485 is NOT isolated and electrical noise can lock the device. The USB485 is intended for office environments only and not when you have a computer located in a control panel.