Station Setup

Station Summary

Station Programming dialog

After changes are made, click "Program" to write changes to station.

Settings Table

RTD 1 Input Range
RTD 2 Input Range
1 - PT100 (-200.0 to 850.0 C)
2 - Ni120 (-80.0 to 230.0 C)
3 - PT1000 (-200.0 to 850.0 C)
4 - Ni1000-DIN (-200.0 to 850.0 C)
5 - Ni1000-Landys&Gyr (-200 to 850.0 C)
6 - Ohms 10-400 (10.00-400.00) *
7 - Ohms 100-4000 (100.0-4000.0) *
A1 Type
A2 Type
1 0 - 4095 (mA) Recommended for mA Input
2 0 - 20.00mA
3 +/- 20.000mA
4 0 - 4095 (V) Recommended for V Input
5 0 - 10.000V
6 +/- 10.000V
7 0 - 1.000V
8 +/- 1.000V
AO Type 1 - 0-20 mA
2 - 0-10 V
RTD Display 1 - Deg C
2 - Deg F
COMS Reply Delay 0 to 990 mSec (20 mSec recommended)
Line Frequency 50 Hz
60 Hz
Watchdog Timer Off to 255 Seconds
The relays will turn OFF if no comms commands are received after this time limit expires. If set to Off, watchdog function does not operate.
DI Input Filter None
1 (10 mSec) to 999 (9990 mSec)
Use to filter out noise on DI signals. If set to too high a value will reduce frequency of inputs that can be read. 

Comms Fail Alarm

For more information, see 2300 Comms Fail Alarm

DIP Switch Table

Switch 1-7 Address (See Address Table)
Switch 8 No Action, Leave OFF
Switch 9 No Action, Leave OFF
Switch 10 No Action, Leave OFF

LED Indications

  All other LEDs OFF
P Flashing - Station is Powered up and working
R Flashes to indicate good modbus message arrived for this station
T Flashes to indicate reply message has been sent from this station

Station Info (Read from station)

30100 Dip Switch settings
30001 Station Type and Software Version (Type = 112)

Station Test Dialog

Station Map Display

Note : Use DI Rate & Total for counter input rate and totaliser information into lines and tags
Psuedo Digital Inputs cannot be Used on RTD 1 and 2 inputs on a 2300-MULTI.