Setup of Omron CQM/CPM PLC with CIF11 to 2100-IS/2100-NET.

Wiring details of 2100-IS/2100-NET to CIF11

Follow the numbers set below.

2100-IS/2100-NET CIF11 Terminal
70 RDA
71 RDB
72 SDA
73 SDB
74 SG

Setup Of Unit Number with CX programmer.

This has been found to not set the correct number in the CX programmer PLC setup dialogs.
To set the host link unit number, set the host link number in DM 6653.

Setup of the Host link mode

Set to Host Link, 9600,e,7,2.

DM6650, DM6651.

Setup of PLC mode

DM6600 to MONITOR mode for Read/Write access
RUN mode for read only access

Setup of 2100-NET.

In the Ports settings of the XPORT on the 2100-NET, set the baud rate, data bits and stop bits to suit the PLC.