Mimic Setup
Gauge Object Options

The Options settings allows settings of advanced parameters such as inhibit draw and alternative data to be displayed.

To access these settings, click the Options button on the Gauge Object Settings window.

The following dialog is displayed:

Inhibit Draw

The Inhibit Draw is used to control when the object is drawn.

You can select a tag to be used as the control of the draw, and set when to draw the object (when the tag is in alarm or not).
This can be used to draw several objects on top of each other and use the alarm state of a tag to control which object is drawn.

Input Source

The Input Source is used to control where the input value comes from when the object is used with a TAG.

Possible selections are:

Station controllers access the controllers in the 2100-A16 stations. They are all referenced by objects using a Tag which is set to the input of the controller in the station.