Mimic Setup
Utility Button Setup - Set Alarm Output State

The Set Alarm Output State allows the user to set the output state of a tag using a dialog box.

Parameter Settings

Param Settings

Param Range Example
Param1 Alarm Output
This would be the tag output of a controller.
1 to 5000 1 to enter Alarm Output for Tag 1.
Param2 Tag Interlock
This would be the tag input of a controller.
If no interlock is required, set Param2 to 0.
1 to 5000 2 to enter Tag Interlock for Tag 2.

Theory of Operation:

This allows the output of a controller to be controlled (Param1) if the Tag Interlock tag (Param2) is set to manual override mode. Thus in a control situation, the control would be in override and then the user can turn on and off the output as required.

Normally the settings would be duplicated for a tag control system, i.e
Tag 1 is a control input, and Tag 2 is the output relay. Thus Param1 would be set to 2, and Param2 would be set to 1.

Action when button is pressed

The following dialog is displayed.

Click On and OK to turn the output ON,
Click Off and OK to turn the output OFF.

If the tag is not in the manual override mode, the following will be displayed

Additional Info

You can display the Alarm Settings of tags using analogue and digital objects, for more information see the following links:

Display Manual Override

To Display the state of an alarm output, Create a digital object and set its Location to the Alarm Output Tag.