Mimic Setup
Utility Button Setup - Set Tag Calibration Value

The Set Tag Calibration Value allows the user to calibrate the value of a tag.

Parameter Settings

Param Settings

Param Range Example
Param1 Tag Number 1 to 5000 1 to Set Tag Calibration value for tag 1.

Action when button is pressed

The following dialog is displayed.

Calibration changes are saved to the Audit log, tracked by the value saved by the mimic page and button used to enter the data. 

It is recommended to protect this button with access levels, See Password Setup for a Button

Additional Settings

Use the Utility Options tag to set the Decimal Point position.

Display Tag Calibration Value

To display tag calibration value:

1. Create an analogue object and set its location to the tag required, and also set the display to the number of decimal points needed.

2. Click Options and set the Input Source to Calibration Value.