Recorder Quick Setup
Line Alarm Settings

For further information on alarm settings and Operation, See Recorder Alarm Operation.

For advanced alarm settings, click the Advanced button. See Line Alarm Advanced.

Click Ok to save the changes, if the alarm is not currently enabled, a window will appear asking to enable the alarm.

Click Yes to enable the alarm.

Alarm Settings

Alarm Mode

This sets the alarms to be active on this line.
Choose from High & Low, High & High, Low & Low, High Only, Low Only.
The contents of the dialog change, according to the alarm mode setting.

High Alarm


Enter the setpoint, above which the delay time is to start counting.


Enter the delay time.


Choose the output relay to use when the alarm occurs.
Select None, for no recorder output relay when alarm occurs.

Latched / Control

Select Latched when the alarm is to be manually cleared.
Select Control when the alarm is to clear automatically when the value returns to limits.
For further details, see Recorder Alarm Operation, Latched Alarm and Recorder Alarm Operation, Unlatched Alarm.

Low Alarm


Enter the setpoint, below which the delay time is to start counting.


Enter the delay time.


Choose the output relay to use when the alarm occurs.
Select None, for no recorder output relay when alarm occurs.

Latched / Control

Select Latched when the alarm is to be manually cleared.
Select Control when the alarm is to clear automatically when the value returns to limits.
For further details, see Recorder Alarm Operation, Latched Alarm and Recorder Alarm Operation, Unlatched Alarm.