Recorder User Help
Alarm Trace

The Recorder Alarm Trace dialog shows a 1000 item trace of alarm behaviour in the recorder.

To display the Alarm Trace:

The following window is displayed.

The Alarm Trace window can display alarm messages for a selected line.
Select the line from "View". A line with entries in the trace log will show "- Found" next to its name in this list.

Click "Auto Update" to make the contents refresh when a new alarm trace message occurs.
Click Detail to display the Alarm Detail Dialog box.

Alarm Trace Messages

Auto Relay Update Powerup The MicroScan software has started, and the alarm relays have been auto updated.
Alarm Occurred (High) A High alarm has occurred. The delay time on a line has expired and the alarm has been flagged.
Alarm Occurred (Low) A Low alarm has occurred. The delay time on a line has expired and the alarm has been flagged.
Delay Time Start (High) A High alarm condition has been detected, and the delay timer has started.
Delay Time Start (Low) A Low alarm condition has been detected, and the delay timer has started.
Alarm Return To Limit The lines value has returned to inside the alarm limits.
Delay Time Stop The alarm is currently counting, it is no longer counting as it is within limits.
Alarm Occurred A Digital Alarm has occurred.
Alarm Return to Limit The alarm has previously occurred, it is now within limits.
Alarm Disabled The alarm on this line has been disabled.
Alarm Schedule Off The alarm has just entered a Schedule Off time period. It will not be monitored.
Alarm Schedule On The alarm has just entered a Schedule On time period. It will be monitored.
Batch Stop Alarm The alarm is not monitored, as the batch is not currently running.
Alarm Inhibit On High A link line has just inhibited the alarm on this alarm. It will not be monitored.
Alarm Inhibit On Low A link line has just inhibited the alarm on this alarm. It will not be monitored.
Alarm Inhibit Off High A link line has un inhibited the alarm on this alarm. It will be monitored.
Alarm Inhibit Off Low A link line has un inhibited the alarm on this alarm. It will be monitored.
Clear Alarm A User has cleared the alarm
Clear All Alarms A User has cleared all alarms.
Relay X ON Relay X has been turned on by an alarm.
Relay X OFF Relay X has been turned off by an alarm.
Auto Reset The lines alarm has been reset by Reset On Hour Event.

This window is new to Version 5.

See Also

Alarm Detail