Item - Batch Header

Please refer to Adding a New Item for specific information on how to add an ITEM and how to change its properties.


The Batch_Header ITEM is used to help automate and/or facilitate the changing of the Batch Header when the Page of the MicroScan Recorder is in Batch Mode.

This ITEM uses the facilities in the MicroScan Mimic to provide a good user interface.

The Recorder Batch Header has 3 categories; Name, Code and Comments. To be able to select text to put in each category first set up new Mimic Table Lists for each category. Note that in the Table List each entry is to have its own unique reference number. By setting up an Input Tag for each category the ITEM, using the value from the Input Tag, looks up the Mimic Table List and gets the Text associated with the value. This Text is then sent to the respective Recorder Batch File Header category.

The value of the Batch_Header will be;

    1. 0 = Batch Not Running - Batch File Header is not updated.
    2. 0.5 = Batch Delay Start - Batch File Header is not updated.
    3. 1 = Batch Running - Batch File Header is updated every update.


Class Name A unique name for this item. The class name is display only and cannot be changed.
Name Enter a meaningful name for this Item so that you, and other people, will easily recognize what it is for.
Enabled No - The ITEM is not enabled and will not update when its TASK updates

Yes - The ITEM is enabled and will update when its TASK updates.

Batch Page Select the MicroScan Recorder Page that is working in Batch Mode.
Batch Run Select the MicroScan Recorder Line that is set to start and stop the Batch.
Ref for Name Select the MicroScan Input Tag that gets the reference value for the Name Category.
List for Name Select the MicroScan Mimic Table List that contains the text for the Name Category. Note max 16 characters.
Ref for Code Select the MicroScan Input Tag that gets the reference value for the Code Category.
List for Code Select the MicroScan Mimic Table List that contains the text for the Code Category. Note max 16 characters.
Ref for Comment Select the MicroScan Input Tag that gets the reference value for the Comment Category.
List for Comment Select the MicroScan Mimic Table List that contains the text for the Comment Category. Note max 119 characters.
Include File Name If this Property is enabled then the Batch File Name will be appended to the Comment Category.
Delay Start (secs) Set the number of seconds that this ITEM will delay before it begins to change the Header of the Batch File. This delay is necessary as the Recorder delays in starting the Batch and creating a new Batch File. Without this delay the Batch Header information could be written to the previous Batch File.


  1. When using the Batch Code, Batch File Name and Batch Comment fields with the MicroScan Recorder Batch files, it is necessary to ensure that "Long Batch Header" option in the Recorder Customisation dialog is NOT enabled.

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