
ITEMS are the building blocks that TASKS use to accomplish a job.

This is the ITEM setup form:

The ITEM Setup Form has the following parts:

  1. ITEM List on the left hand side. Click on an ITEM to view and edit its properties. Double clicking on an ITEM will return you to the TASK Setup Form.
  2. Property List on the right hand side. The Property List displays all of the properties which can be setup for a particular ITEM. To setup a property either double click on it or click on the respective "Set" button. A dialog box will appear which will allow you to either enter data or select an option.
  3. Add New Button. Click on this button to add a new ITEM.
  4. Delete Button. First select the ITEM to be deleted and then click on the Delete Button to delete the ITEM.
  5. Move Up Button. First select the ITEM to be moved up and then click on the Move Up Button to move the ITEM up one place in the list.
  6. Move Down Button. First select the ITEM to be moved down and then click on the Move Down Button to move the ITEM down one place in the list.
  7. Edit Items Button. This button is disabled in the ITEMS Setup Form.
  8. Edit Tasks Button. Click on the Edit Tasks Button to return to the TASKS Setup Form.
  9. Load Template Button. When in the ITEMS Setup Form, clicking on the Load Templates Button will allow you to append a template's ITEMS to the currently selected TASK. Once loaded the ITEMS may be edited to suit.
  10. Save as Template Button. This button allows you to save the currently selected TASK as a Template. Templates make it easy to duplicate TASKS.


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