
TASKS are used to group ITEMS together.

This is the TASK setup form:

Tasks.gif (10299 bytes)

The TASK Setup Form has the following parts:

  1. TASK List on the left hand side. Click on a TASK to view and edit its properties. Double clicking on a TASK will also take you to the ITEM Setup Form where you will be able to setup the ITEMS for this TASK only.
  2. Property List on the right hand side. The Property List displays all of the properties that can be setup for a particular TASK. To setup a property either double click on it or click on the respective "Set" button. A dialog box will appear which will allow you to either enter data or select an option.
    1. "Class Name" - This can not be changed and is displayed for information only.
    2. "Name" - Enter the name you wish to call the new Task.
    3. "Enabled" - To enable the Task set this property to 'Yes'.
    4. "Scan Time" - The Scan Time is the approximate time in seconds that the Task will update.
    5. "MimicTxtRef - Recipe Name" - Used in conjunction with the Recipe facility in the ToolBox Remote Editor program. If the ToolBox Remote Editor is used to select a Recipe for this Task, then the Name of the Recipe will be written to the specified Mimic Text Reference Number after the Recipe data has been loaded. If a Text object is set up on the Mimic and set to get data from the same Mimic Text Reference Number then the Recipe Name will be displayed on the Mimic.
    6. "MimicTxtRef - Recipe Code" - Used in conjunction with the Recipe facility in the ToolBox Remote Editor program. If the ToolBox Remote Editor is used to select a Recipe for this Task, then a Code for the Recipe can be entered and then written to the specified Mimic Text Reference Number after the Recipe data has been loaded. If a Text object is set up on the Mimic and set to get data from the same Mimic Text Reference Number then the Recipe Code will be displayed on the Mimic.
    7. "MimicTxtRef - Recipe Comment" - Used in conjunction with the Recipe facility in the ToolBox Remote Editor program. If the ToolBox Remote Editor is used to select a Recipe for this Task, then a Comment for the Recipe can be entered and then written to the specified Mimic Text Reference Number after the Recipe data has been loaded. If a Text object is set up on the Mimic and set to get data from the same Mimic Text Reference Number then the Recipe Comment will be displayed on the Mimic. Note that the Mimic Text objects will only display the first 31 characters.
    8. "Recipe Batch Run Output Tag" - Used in conjunction with the Recipe facility in the ToolBox Remote Editor program. If the ToolBox Remote Editor is used to select a Recipe for this Task and an Output Tag has been selected then the ToolBox Remote Editor will start the Batch after the Recipe data has been loaded.
    9. "Recipe Batch Name #1 Ref" - Used in conjunction with the Recipe facility in the ToolBox Remote Editor program. If the Remote Editor is used to select and start a Recorder Batch then it can also specify the file name for the Batch store file. To do this the Recorder Page must be set to Automatic Batch Recording Mode and the Auto Name Batch File mode must be set to XXXXYYYY.AAA mode. When set like this then the recorder line selected for this property must be the recorder line selected in the Batch setup to supply the XXXX part of the file name.
    11. "Recipe Batch Name #2 Ref" - As per 9. above only the recorder line selected for this property must be the recorder line selected in the Batch setup to supply the YYYY part of the file name.
    12. "Batch Name Suffix (eg .111)" - Used in conjunction with 9. and 10. above. This should be set to the same as the ".AAA" part of the Batch file name as described in 9. above. Each Recorder Batch Page must have a unique suffix and the suffix must begin with a period ".".
    13. "Use Recipes from Task?" - If recipes are to be used for this Task and if the Task is identical to another one then the other Task's Recipes can be used by entering the Task's number. This can be an advantage in having only one set of recipes for multiple Tasks as opposed to having one set of recipes for each Task. For this property to work, the Remote_Value Items must be in the same position in each Task.

MicroScan Setup Manager - Recorder Page Setup (Name & Scales) - refer to 9. above.

When setting up a Recorder Batch to work with the ToolBox Remote Editor take the following steps -

1/ Set the Operating Mode to "Monitor & Batch Recording"

BatchSetup.gif (9580 bytes)


2/ Set the "Batch Recording Mode" to "Automatic", select the "Link Page & Line" and check both the "No Batch Dialog Box" and the "Auto Name Batch Files".

BatchMode.gif (8773 bytes)


3/ Enable the "Batch File XXXXYYYY.AAA Mode" and select recorder lines for both the "XXXX Source" and the "YYYY Source". Enter a "Batch File Suffix" that is unique to this Recorder Batch Page only.

BatchFileMode.gif (9311 bytes)


  1. When using the Batch Code, Batch File Name and Batch Comment fields with the MicroScan Recorder Batch files, it is necessary to ensure that "Long Batch Header" option in the Recorder Customisation dialog is NOT enabled.

Menus on the Task Setup form

  1. "File" menu has the following options:
  1. "Help" menu has the following options:


Buttons on the Task Setup Form

  1. Add New Button. Click on this button to add a new TASK.
  2. Delete Button. First select the TASK to be deleted and then click on the Delete Button to delete that TASK.
  3. Move Up Button. First select the TASK to be moved up and then click on the Move Up Button to move the TASK up one place in the list.
  4. Move Down Button. First select the TASK to be moved down and then click on the Move Down Button to move the TASK down one place in the list.
  5. Edit Items Button. First select the TASK, then click on the Edit Items Button to go to the ITEMS Setup Form where you will be able to edit the ITEMS for the selected TASK only.
  6. Edit Tasks Button. This button is disabled in the TASKS Setup Form.
  7. Load Template Button. When in the TASKS Setup Form, clicking on the Load Templates Button will allow you to add a Template as a new TASK to the TASK List. Once loaded the TASK may be edited to suit.
  8. Save as Template Button. This button allows you to save the selected TASK as a Template. Templates make it easy to duplicate TASKS.


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