Item - Math Average

Please refer to Adding a New Item for specific information on how to add an ITEM and how to change its properties.


The Math Average ITEM calculates the average value of an input data.

This is a true moving average calculation.

The maximum number of data points for the average is calculated by - ("Av. Over Mins" x 60) / "TASK Scan Time".

During operation the value of the data points are rotated as the new data is added and the oldest data is discarded.

When starting, the number of data points starts at 0 and builds slowly with each scan until the maximum number of data points is reached.

The averaging calculation is the sum of all of the data points divided by the total number of data points.

It is possible to see what the current data points are by saving them to a *.CSV file and then opening that file in Excel. To do this, from the Tool Box enter the level 2 password and then double click on the respective Math_Average item.


Class Name A unique name for this item. The class name is display only and cannot be changed.
Name Enter a meaningful name for this Item so that you, and other people, will easily recognise what it is for.
Enabled No - The ITEM is not enabled and will not update when its TASK updates

Yes - The ITEM is enabled and will update when its TASK updates.

Input Value Select an ITEM that has the value to be used in the logarithm equation.
Av. Over (Mins) Enter in the number of minutes over which to average the Input Value.
Delay Start Set the time to delay the Math_Average from working when the Tool Box first starts. This is to help prevent erroneous data as the Tool Box will often request data from MicroScan before MicroScan has received data from the interfaces.
Save Average Data Set how often the data points of average data should be saved to disk making it available for retrieval on start up.

Take care with this property - if the number of data points is large then it might take a lot of the computer overhead.

For an indication of how much time there is spent in saving data to file from the Math_Average, there is a small yellow dot that appears at the right hand end of the "Update Task" panel which is located at the bottom left corner of the Tool Box form. This will only be visible for large numbers of data points. For small numbers of data points it will be too fast to see.

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