Item - Math Relative Humidity

Please refer to Adding a New Item for specific information on how to add an ITEM and how to change its properties.


The Math Relative Humidity ITEM calculates the Relative Humidity, Dewpoint or Moisture Content given the Dry Bulb Temperature and the Wet Bulb Temperature in degrees Celsius.


Class Name A unique name for this item. The class name is display only and cannot be changed.
Name Enter a meaningful name for this Item so that you, and other people, will easily recognize what it is for.
Enabled No - The ITEM is not enabled and will not update when its TASK updates

Yes - The ITEM is enabled and will update when its TASK updates.

Input_1 Select the ITEM that has the required data as described in the "Type" property below.
Input_2 Select the ITEM that has the required data as described in the "Type" property below.
Type Select the required result from the list:

RH: Input_1 = DB, Input_2 = WB
RH: Input_1 = DB, Input_2 = Moisture
Dewpoint: Input_1 = DB, Input_2 = WB
Moisture: Input_1 = DB, Input_2 = WB
Wet Bulb: Input_1 = DB, Input_2 = RH
Wet Bulb: Input_1 = DB, Input_2 = Moisture


  • RH = Relative Humidity in %RH
  • DB = Dry Bulb Temp in �C
  • WB = Wet Bulb Temp in �C
  • Moisture = Moisture Content in g/kg
Pressure (mbar) Optional: Select the Item that has the atmospheric pressure in mbar.

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