MicroScan Tool Box - Remote Editor

View Recipe Batch Form

RE_frmRecipeView.gif (11532 bytes)

The Select Recipe Form.

  1. Select Store File list box - Select the required Batch Store File and its details will appear in the Recipe Info & Batch Info text boxes..
  2. Batch text box - Enter a code for this Batch (max 15 characters). Note that this will only be visible if the "MimicTextRef - Recipe Code" property in the Task Setup has been set. When the Load Recipe button is clicked then the Batch Code will be sent to the appropriate Mimic Message Text so that it can be displayed on a Mimic page via a Text object.
  3. View Button - Loads the selected file into the MicroScan History program for viewing in either graph or data format.
  4. Close button - Closes the form.


  1. When using the Batch Code, Batch File Name and Batch Comment fields with the MicroScan Recorder Batch files, it is necessary to ensure that "Long Batch Header" option in the Recorder Customisation dialog is NOT enabled.

 Current Values Form - Menu

  1. File - Set Store Directory: Set the directory where the store files are located.
  2. File - Exit: Closes the Tool Box Editor program.
  3. Help - Contents: Shows the Help file's main index page.
  4. Help - Current: Shows the Help file's page for the Recipe Setup Form. Also by pressing the F1 key.
  5. Help - About: Shows the programs About dialog box.

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