Item - Step Information
Please refer to Adding a New Item for specific information on how to add an ITEM and how to change its properties.
The Step Information is provided to extract various information on the current Step from the Step Master ITEM.
Class Name | A unique name for this item. The class name is display only and cannot be changed. |
Name | Enter a meaningful name for this Item so that you, and other people, will easily recognize what it is for. |
Enabled | No - The ITEM is not enabled and will not update
when its TASK updates Yes - The ITEM is enabled and will update when its TASK updates. |
Information on | The following are the options of the information
available by this ITEM. Deviation Alarm State: 0=No Alarm, 1=Alarm. Guaranteed Alarm State: 0=No Alarm, 1=Alarm. Current Set Value: % Step Time used by Step so far. Total Step Time. Time Step has been Advanced: This value is the sum of both the Previous and the Advance Time changes. Time Step has been on Gua Hold: This value gives the time that the Step has been held up by Guaranteed PV constraints. Time Step has left to run: This is the time that the Step has left to run. Time Step has been on Manual Hold: This is the total time that the Step has been on Manual Hold. Total time since the Step started: This is the Total Time since the Step started. Step Time used by the Step so far: This is the official time that the Step has Used so far. This allows for the Manual Hold time, the Advance Time and the Gua Hold time. Controller Time Left: This is the time that the Controller has left to run, it is the sum of the time left for the current step plus all of the times for the remaining steps. (Note all steps should be set to the same 'Step Time Interval') Controller Time Total: This is the total time for the controller, it is the sum of all of the times for each step. (Note all steps should be set to the same 'Step Time Interval') Controller Time Used: This is the time that the Controller has used so far, it is the sum of all of the times for the steps that have run plus the time that the current step has run. (Note all steps should be set to the same 'Step Time Interval'). |
Step Number | If not set then the ITEM will display data for
all of the steps. If set to a step number, for example "3", then only data for step 3 will be displayed. Otherwise a value of 0 will be displayed. |
Output | Select a MicroScan Output Tag to send the value to. |