Item - Time PC-Clock Reset

Please refer to Adding a New Item for specific information on how to add an ITEM and how to change its properties.


The Math PC Clock Reset ITEM corrects the PC Clock given a "Hour Signal Input".

This ITEM only corrects the PC Clock on the Hour. That is the time in which the "Hour Signal" is received must within the times of the nearest Hour plus or minus the "Window" minutes set below.

The time signal could be a field digital input that is held high long enough for the MicroScan Tool Box to see it, or it could be a Pulse Count register which increments when a digital pulse occurs.

If the "Hour Signal" value changes to 0 then it will be ignored. No change will be made.


Class Name A unique name for this item. The class name is display only and cannot be changed.
Name Enter a meaningful name for this Item so that you, and other people, will easily recognize what it is for.
Enabled No - The ITEM is not enabled and will not update when its TASK updates

Yes - The ITEM is enabled and will update when its TASK updates.


(+/- mins)

Set the number of minutes for the operational window in which this ITEM will work.

If set to 10 minutes (the default value), the ITEM will only work between 10 minutes to the hour and 10 minutes after the hour. If a change in the "Hour Signal" happens during this time then the PC Clock will be reset to the current Hour plus the "Time Offset Seconds" set below.

Time Offset (secs) Set the number of seconds the PC Clock should be corrected by past the hour.

For example if the PC Clock is 4:55:00 PM, and a "Hour Signal" is received then the PC Clock will be set to 5:00:00 PM plus the "Time Offset Seconds". If the "Time Offset Seconds" is set to 17 seconds, then the PC Clock would be set to 5:00:17 PM. This is to allow for the time delay resulting from the MicroScan Tool Box's scan time.

Hour Signal Input Select the ITEM that is getting the "Hour Signal Input".

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