Energy Wizard Setup - General - Supplier Tab
Start the Energy Wizard Setup program, click on the large button 'General Setup'. When
the 'General Setup' form appears click on the 'Supplier' tab. The following will be
Setup as follows:
Maximum Number of Suppliers: - Set the maximum number of suppliers that you require.
Please note that once the Energy Wizard store file has been created then the number of
available suppliers for that month cannot be changed. This is because the maximum number
of Suppliers is burnt into each months store file when the file is created. Once it has
been burnt in, it can not be changed. Also if the setting has been made for the 'Lite'
version then the number of suppliers will be fixed to 1.
Maximum Number of TOU Slots: - Set the maximum number of Time Of Use
(TOU) Slots that you require per Supplier. This should be set high enough so as to cater
for all of your suppliers. Please note that once the Energy Wizard store file has been
created then the number of available TOU Slots for that month cannot be changed. This is
because the maximum number of TOU Slots is burnt into each months store file when the file
is created. Once it has been burnt in, it can not be changed.
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