Overview>Getting Started


  1. The Mobile Alarming software requires Microsoft .Net to be installed prior to installation.

Before Installing the Mobile Alarming 5 (MA5) software consider the following:

  1. It is beneficial, but not essential, to have both email via an SMTP server and the SMS TXT messages via the Siemens MC35 modem available as it provides a dual system for alarm, warning and error messages.
  2. If security is an issue so that it is preferred that the Microscan PC is not able to have access to an SMTP server then consider installing the MA5 Server component on to a centrally located PC/server that is able to access the SMTP server. If this is done then the MA5 Client Data Folders must be added to the MA5 Server configuration. The MA5 Server must have full read/write access to all the MA5 Client Data Folders.
  3. If the MA5 Server is polling the MA5 Client Data Folders from across the network and the network has failed or the Microscan PC can not be found on the network then Microsoft Windows will momentarily slow the PC as it tries to find these folders. For this reason it may be considered good to not install the MA5 Server on a critical mission server.
  4. Once the decision has been made where to install the MA5 Server, install both the MA5 Client and the MA5 Server and complete the setup.

Mobile Alarming 5 Licensing

  1. The MA5 Server does not require a licence unlock code to operate but our licensing does require it to operate with at least one MA5 Client.
  2. The MA5 Client does require a licence to operate. This is provided as part of the Microscan licensing.

Email SMTP Server

  1. If you a larger organization with your own mail server then consider using an in house SMTP server as it will be quicker to internal addressees and will save internet traffic. Microsoft's Exchange Server comes complete with an SMTP server.

Siemens MC35 Modem

  1. The Siemens MC35 modem is designed for the vodafone network and comes without a SIMMS card.
  2. It is recommended to select a monthly plan to avoid problems such as the SMS TXT messages not working if the pre-pay was not topped up.
  3. Before putting the SIMMS card into the MC35 test it in a regular phone first. Make sure it is NOT password protected as this will stop it from initializing in the MC35.

Please refer to the following links for details on the configuration of the MA5 Client and the MA5 Server:
MA5 Client
MA5 Server