Overview>Getting Started>Server Overview>MA5 Server>General Setup

The following is an example of the MA5 Server General Setup:

The following is a description of the General options:

Company Name Enter your company name.
Company Contact Enter the contact name. This will appear on some TXT messages if the message is not recognized so it is good to include a contact email address or phone number.
Gsm Modem Comm Port Set the Comm Port number that the Siemens MC35 Modem is installed on. To disable set to 0
Email Smtp Setup This runs the SMTP configuration program.
Email Daily Reports to Enter the email addresses to which the daily reports are to be sent. Separate addresses with a semi-colon ";"
Keep log files for (months) Enter the number of months to keep the log files.
Auto run when Windows starts Set if the MA5 Server is to auto start with windows (recommended)
Auto close with Windows Set if the MA5 Server will auto close with windows (recommended). If set to no, the PC will not be able to auto restart.
Password to close Enter the password to manually close the MA5 Server
Password to access this area Enter the password to access the MA5 Server Setup area.
Scan Client Folders (secs) Enter the number of seconds between scanning the Client Folders.
Send Folder + Modem Errors to Enter the email addresses and phone numbers that any error messages should be sent to. Separate addresses with a semi-colon ";"