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Network Setup Summary

The following summarizes MicroScan Network Operation

Quick Summary of Setups steps - in the order that they should be done.

Server Setup

1a. IT dept to setup shared data folder on server, and allow all microscan users read/write access to this folder (MUST have read/write access).
1b. Each Passive computer needs a mapped drive connected to the shared network folder.

Active Setup

1. Install the Dongle with PX passive user code.
2. Click Network Setup link on Setup Tools.
3. Click Setup as Active, File Server mode and set path to that set in Server Setup (such as g:\microscan)
4. Finish Wizard Settings.

Passive Setup

1. Install MicroScan Software to each passive computer.
2. On MicroScan First run, select "Network Passive Mode".
3. On Network Setup Start, select "Setup as Passive".
4. Allow the passive to find the folder setup as a mapped drive.
5. Finish Wizard settings.

See links below for more detailed information of each setup step:

    Network Setup Active Setup
    Network Setup Passive Setup
    Network Passive Alarm Monitor