Recorder Quick Setup

The Recorder Quick Setup system is designed to make the setup of the MicroScan Recorder simpler.
The setup is broken down into steps, that can be easily followed, in order of creating or editing a Recorder.
This system is new to MicroScan version 5.

Firstly, you add stations using Step 1 - Station Setup. 
    This programs the stations with addresses, and creates alarm relays for you to use on the stations.

Then use Step 2 - Page Setup, to create Pages to record your data.
    Each page contains 10 lines, and is used to group together data that is recorded together.

Then use Step 3 - Line Setup, to create lines within the Pages.
    Give each line a label, and identify the location in the station to get the data from.
    When a range is assigned to a line, that range will be automatically programmed to the 2100-XX station.

Use Step 4 - Alarm Setup to setup Alarms.
    Setup High and Low alarms, with simplified settings.

Use Step 5 Options, to start the Software when windows starts, and turn on access protection.

See Quick Setup Steps