MicroScan - Image Interface for Run


The MicroScan Image Interface when used for run is an excellent repository for user input data or for data that has been created by one program and needs to be shared amongst other MicroScan programs.

The Image Interface, when used for run, means that it will be running when MicroScan is running and that it will be another interface in its own right, even though it does not communicate with any external device but acts only as a place to Read and Write data.

An important point to note is that MicroScan requires each interface to have a unique interface number. Therefore there are a number of important steps to make when setting up the Image Interface for run.

  1. First from the MicroScan Setup Manager click on the large button "Admin Tools".
  2. Then select the "System Modules" button and the following form will appear.

  4. Check the "PLC Interface(s) and select "Image Interface" from the "PLC Interface #1" list.
  5. Click "OK", then "Close" to return to the MicroScan Setup Manager startup form.
  6. Click on the "System Setup" button and the following form will appear.
  7. SystemSettings.gif (13177 bytes)

  8. Under the "Interface(s)" heading, check the "PLC Interface - Image Interface" as shown above.
  9. Click on the "OK" button when finished.
  10. Before starting MicroScan it is necessary to set the Image Interface Number to a unique number (its default is 2). To set the Image Interface Number, from the MicroScan Tool Box Setup program. Click on the "Program Options" button. Now click on the "Set" button beside the "Image Interface Number" line and follow the prompts remembering to select a unique number for the interface between 1 and 31. Refer to Program Options.
  11. Start MicroScan.


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