Overview>Getting Started>Client Overview>MA5 Client>Logging

MA5 Logging can be used in two ways:

  1. Sending regular logs of Microscan data to an email user and/or an SMS TXT message user. This is particularly useful during commissioning and testing.
  2. Sending regular logs to another Microscan/MA5 installation auto updating the respective Microscan values.

This is the MA5 Client "Logging" setup tab:

There is no limit to the number of logs you can set up.

Each Log has 3 main areas of configuration as depicted by the "General", "Msgs to Log" and "Send To" tabs shown above.


1. General Tab (as shown above)

Name Enter a name the describes the Log
Send Log every (hrs:mins) Enter the time duration between sending logs in the standard hh:mm format.
Start end at (hrs:mins) Enter the time of day which the MA5 Client program should use to calculate the next send time.


2(a). Msgs to Log - NOT to another Microscan/MA5 installation

There is no limit to the number of Microscan values that can be logged.

Log to another MA5 This is set to "No".
Log From Enter the Microscan Reference to be logged.


2(b). Msgs to Log - To another Microscan/MA5 installation

There is no limit to the number of Microscan values that can be logged.

Log to another MA5 This is set to "No".
Log From Enter the Microscan Reference to be logged.
Log To Enter the Microscan Reference to be logged to. This is the target reference on the Microscan/MA5 installation being logged to.


3. Send To Tab

There is no limit to the number of users that the log can be sent to.

Add in the users as required.