Network Setup
Network Setup Wizard Start

The Network Wizard Start screen allows you to begin setting up the MicroScan Networking.

You select the networking mode under "Select Networking Mode".

Click "Active MicroScan" to setup an Active.
Click "Passive MicroScan" to setup a Passive.

The current network configuration is shown at the bottom, click More Details for more information.

Note if the software is setup to the "Network Passive Only" mode, then the Passive MicroScan selection will be selected, and the other options will be grayed out. This is the Passive mode that is setup using the MicroScan First Run screen or the Select Module Wizard, it allows the software to run without being registered.

Next Page(s)

    Active Setup
    Passive Setup

Advanced Network Settings

    How To Select
    Composite Active Passive Network Setup

See Also

    Network Settings Summary - More Details
    Network Setup Diagnostics

    Select Module Wizard