Recorder User Help
Graph Scale

The Graph Scale dialog box is used to adjust the X and Y axis scales on the trend graph.

To access, click �Graph Scale� on the Recorder Toolbars, or click Graph Scale on the Recorder�s Display Menu.  

Single Scale Graph  

Dual Scale Graph

Batch Display

The Y axis field gives details of the graphs Y Axis and the Time Scale field is the time along the bottom of the graph.  The Y Axis can be altered in a variety of ways as follows:-

Type the required figures into the two edit boxes �Top of Graph� and �Bottom of Graph� and then press the Redraw button.  The graph will be redrawn to reflect the new Y Axis.

Select one of the predefined ranges from the �Select:� combo box.  When a range has been selected, its top and bottom figures will appear in the top and bottom edit boxes.  Press the Redraw button.  The graph will be redrawn to reflect the new Y Axis.

Press the �Default� button. The original scale values for this graph will be loaded into the top and bottom edit boxes. Press the Redraw button. The graph will be redrawn to reflect the new Y Axis.  This is used to return the graph scale to its original range after having been moved to some other range.

Dual Scale Graph 

On a Dual Scale Graph to change the Primary scale, click on the �Primary� radio button. To change the Secondary scale, click on the �Secondary� button and follow the steps above.

Time: X Axis

The X axis scale is altered by making a selection from the time scale combo box.  Make the selection and press the Redraw button and the graph will be redrawn to reflect the new time scale. Alterations to both the X and Y axis can be made at the same time.
The Time Scale setting can also be adjusted using "Graph Size" on the Line Button Bar and History Button Bar or by clicking the time buttons on the Line Tool Bar and History Tool Bar.

The Recorder Y Axis can also be changed by double clicking on areas of the line graph.
See Recorder Graph Scale Small.


  1. When Graph Scale is shown, The Line Details dialog box will be closed.
  2. On the Batch Display Graph Scale, the markers can be set at the bottom of the dialog box.