Recorder User Help
Display Menu

The display menu is used to select the way the recorder displays the data.  
At any one time, only one of the recorders pages can be displayed at once.

Line Details

This displays the Line Details dialog box which is used to turn lines on or off on the trend displays, plus indicate alarm settings.
See Line Details.

Graph Scale

This displays a dialog box which is used to adjust the trend graph displays.  The vertical scale can be adjusted so that different resolutions can be seen.  The horizontal scale can be adjusted to display from 15 Minutes to 24 hours.
See Graph Scale. 
Graphs larger than 24 hrs are available in the history screen.

Mouse Track

This command is used to activate or deactivate the mouse tracking function, where the mouse�s pointer is displayed as a value and time value on the displayed trend graph.  The mouse track is available only on the Line, History or Batch display.
See Mouse Track.

Multi Track

This command displays the Multi Track dialog box which shows the value of all of the currently displayed lines at the mouse�s X position.
See Multi Track.

Key Displays or Hides the Line Graph Key, a small window for displaying the line labels when the Line graph is shown.
See Key Window.


This displays a cascade menu which has on it times for selecting the range of data shown in the X axis of the Line or History Graph. The current timescale is ticked. Items not available are displayed in the menu as grayed text as some views are not available with some disk store rates. 

Batch Window

Shows or Hides the Batch Management dialog box if the page is in the Batch mode. (Only available if Page is in Batch Recording Mode).
See Batch Window.

Batch Header Show or Hides the Batch Header when a batch file is viewed. The file must have been created in the Batch Recording mode for a batch header to be saved to it. (This is only available if Page is in Batch Display Mode).
See Recorder Batch Header.
Line Select to display page in Line Graph mode. A tick indicates the page is in Line Mode.
See Recorder Line Display.
Data Select to display page in data screen mode. A tick indicates the page is in Data mode.
See Recorder Data Display.
Batch Select to display graph in Batch display. A tick indicates the page is in the Batch Display mode.
See Recorder Batch Display.
History Select to display graph in history view. A tick indicates the page is in the History Display mode.
See Recorder History Display.
View Grid Use in history view to show/hide the grid on the history window. (Only available if the page is currently in History View).

Data View

Displays a cascade menu for selecting the data to be displayed from the Averager on the Data Screen.  

Tool Bar

Select None for No Tool Bar
Select Button Bar for Recorder Button Bar
Select Tool Bar for floating recorder ToolBar.
Select Button Bar & Line Details for Button Bar with Line Details.
You can use either the Button Bar or Tool Bar, but not both at the same time.

Options Opens the Display Options dialog box for changing the way the recorder displays look.
See Display Options.

Comment Window

Shows/Hides the Comment Window if the page is in the Comment mode. (Only available if the Data screen is displayed and the page is in the Comment Store File Mode).

Line Status Displays the Line's Line Status dialog box for showing diagnostic information on the lines.
See Line Status.

Version 4 Commands:

Short Display Menu

If the Display menu is opened on a Page such as Recorder Home, Alarm Status and Alarm Summary, it is shown only with the Line Status item, as the other commands are not relevant to the currently displayed screen.