Recorder User Help
Log Button Bar

The Log Button Bar is show at the bottom of the Log View when any logs are being displayed.

The Logs file name is shown, with the number of Records and size of the File.
If a previous months log has been loaded, the Current Log button is shown under the Add Note button.

Use the Select Log button to load a previous months log file.
See Select Log.
Add Note. Use to enter a manual note to the Note Log.
This button is visible in the Operating Log and Note Log views.
See Recorder Log Add Note.
Use the Comment button to edit the comment field of a log entry.
See Commenting Log Entries.
Print Log View.
See Print Log
Export Log View.
See Export Log
Auto Update.
If clicked, the Log View updates when new information is added (such as new alarms). If it is not clicked the log is not updated automatically.
Click Current Log to return to the current log file.


Notes and Comment are not to be confused with each other.
A Comment is a comment entry added to any log message, and it appears in the Comment column in the Log View.
The Notes entered by using Add Note are manual list of log entries, that are entered by a user, and can only be seen in Note and Operating Log Views.